University Insurance
Risk management is putting processes in place to help carry out decisions that will minimize accidental loss and control risk. There are numerous methods of managing risk, including avoidance, prevention, mitigation, retention and transfer. One technique is by using insurance to treat risk.
UW-Eau Claire is protected for liability, property and worker's compensation insurance risks primarily through the State of Wisconsin's self-funded programs (State Statutes 893.82 and 895.46). Self-funded plans typically require the organization to have the risk tolerance to retain potentially significant losses and embraces risk control as part of their culture.
Located within the State of Wisconsin's Department of Administration, the Bureau of State Risk Management (BSRM) manages the self-funded programs for liability, property and workers compensation. Annual premiums are assessed to all State agencies to fund the self-funded programs. Additional excess liability is secured by purchasing coverage from various carriers to reduce the State's exposure to catastrophic losses.
University employees, agents and officers are protected for liability arising out of negligent actions through the State of Wisconsin Self-Funded Liability Program. Negligence may be defined as the failure to act as a reasonable person would have under the same circumstances. The negligence, while acting within the scope of employment, of a university employee, agent or officer must have caused property damage or liability in order for a claim to exist.
This program provides broad coverages to respond to claims in areas such as general liability, auto, civil rights, employment practices, environmental and professional liability or errors & omissions. For additional payment information and time requirements, please see WI Statutes 893.82 and 895.46.
How to file a liability claim
Once an employee is aware of a potential claim, they should contact the Department of Risk Management ( to report the incident. Liability protection is not for injuries to University personnel, but rather for injury to others or damage to others property, caused by the negligent acts of a University employee, officer or agent.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire participates in the State Self-Funded Property Program. This program is administered through the Bureau of State Risk Management (BSRM) within the Department of Administration, through which all final coverage decisions are made. The program may cover losses of University-owned real property, personal property, and motor vehicle physical damage.
Deductibles are applied per occurrence and the institution will be responsible for the deductible as follows: Claims closed within 120 days from date of loss - deductible is $1000, between 121 days-180 days is $2,500, after 180 days is $5,000.
How to file a property claim
Individual(s) discovering a property damage loss should react quickly to mitigate further damage from occurring. Notify UW-Eau Claire Police Department immediately if situation could negatively affect the safety of you or others. Where appropriate, notify Facilities to help mitigate further damage.
- Department suffering the loss (DSL) should email of the following: Date of loss, description of event and property damage, photographs, cause of damage, and location
For claims with total estimated damages under $10,000, DSL should submit a repair/replacement quote to within 30 days.
For claims with total estimated damages at or over $10,000, a contracted vendor (Sedgwick) will be contacted to provide an inspection review.
- Once all documentation has been received, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Risk Management Department (in conjunction with BSRM) will advise DSL on next steps.
- If claim is approved, DSL will coordinate with approved vendor to complete repair/replacement.
- All invoices, receipts, and documented department costs incurred to finalize the repair/replacement must be sent to at time of completion. *
- 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Risk Management Department will submit documentation to BSRM for payment, less any applicable deductible.
* If claim damages valued below $10,000 are not concluded and finalized within 120 days from the date of loss, claim may be subject to higher deductibles or may be denied, at the sole discretion of BSRM.
Situations typically covered include:
Vandalism, Fire, Wind, Hail, Flood, Water damage, Explosion, Lightning, additional details can be found here.
Situations typically not covered include:
Embezzlement, Employee theft, ordinary wear and tear, settling/cracking of pavement, foundations and walls, mysterious disappearance, removal of asbestos, additional details can be found here.
Worker’s Compensation is a benefit program that pays for medical treatment and wages lost due to eligible work-related injuries or illnesses. More information on how to submit forms, what to do after being treated (Return to Work program), and UW System Information can be found here.
To help manage the risks regarding automobile usage, the University uses a combination of both the state's self-funded liability program and the state's self-funded property program. Descriptions of each are listed below.
Property coverage - categorized as comprehensive insurance (collision coverage is no longer offered through the State - as of July 1, 2023). This is included on most University-owned vehicles and is subject to a deductible (normally $1000). When replacing windshields, please utilize the state's vendor Holman/ARI by calling 1-833-947-2349. When glass is repaired or replaced by this contract, no deductible will apply.
Liability Coverage - this typically includes coverage of injury or property damage to a third party or entity. Coverage is only available to drivers operating the vehicle in the course and scope of their employment and have completed the VUA registration.
In general, only employees, agents, and students are allowed to ride in University owned vehicles due to additional liability exposure.
Driving outside of Wisconsin
If University-owned vehicle is driven into another state, that requires proof of insurance, this Proof of Vehicle Registration/Insurance form should be completed and placed in University-owned vehicle prior to departure.
Click here for additional vehicle use details.
澳门葡京网赌送彩金 recommends the use of University-owned vehicles or contracted rental vehicles for business purposes. However, sometimes authorized drivers may need to drive their personally-owned vehicles for University business. Personally-used vehicles should only be used if it is less costly than alternative means of transportation or when there are conveniences or safety issues.
Property Coverage
Authorized drivers using their personal vehicles for University business are covered by the driver's personal auto insurance, and the driver is responsible for any deductible. The State's property program will not pay for the driver's vehicle repairs.
Liability Coverage
In the event of a loss, while using their personally-owned vehicle for University business, the driver's personal auto liability insurance will provide the primary insurance coverage. The State's liability coverage may provide excess liability coverage in certain circumstances.
- Normal commuting between home and work is not covered under University insurance and mileage is non-reimburseable.
- Additional information regarding use of personal vehicles can be found here.
When rental vehicles are determined to be the most cost effective means of transportation, use of the rental vehicle contract is recommended. The University participates in the Big Ten Alliance contract with Enterprise and National Car Rental. It is suggested to use this contract as the primary choice when determining rental needs. The Big Ten Alliance contracts include collision (CDW) and liability (LDW) insurance coverage for U.S. originating rentals. Other or extra types of insurance are not reimbursable.
- If rental vehicle is not available through the Big Ten Alliance contract, you should then research our secondary rental contract through Hertz - State Contract. This contract also includes CDW and LDW coverages.
- If rental vehicle is not available through either the Big Ten Alliance contract or the Hertz contract, you should purchase the collision (CDW) and liability (LDW) coverage from non-contracted rental vendors.
Additional information regarding rental vehicle insurance and requirements click here.
In the event of a work-related automobile incident/accident follow all applicable laws and instructions below. A vehicle accident informational kit should be located in the glove compartment of all 澳门葡京网赌送彩金-owned vehicles.
Steps to report a vehicle accident
- If injuries are involved, seek necessary medical assistance by calling 911
- Contact law enforcement (UW-Police Department for on-campus accidents)
- Contact supervisor/manager
- If vehicle is rented, contact rental company listed on agreement
- If personal vehicle, contact personal automobile insurance carrier
- Complete form(s) below
- Driver of a University-owned vehicle in an accident and the driver's supervisor must:
- Complete a Vehicle Incident Report (DOA6496)
- Form should be forwarded to
- Claimant to:
- Complete a General Incident Report Form (DOA6441)
- Provide at least two (2) repair estimates
- Items should be forwarded to
Department of Risk Management and Bureau of State Risk Management will review documentation and provide next steps.
Special Event Insurance
Non-University groups unable to provide insurance for their event may be able to purchase coverage through the University’s Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) special events insurance program. This is a liability protection designed for Student Organizations or other groups that host activities on a UW-Eau Claire campus that are not included in the University’s self-funded liability program.
Instructions to apply for a TULIP
- Click here to go to the Quick Quote webpage
- Follow the prompts to enter information about your event
- Excess coverage choice is optional based on your organization’s decisions (unless otherwise required by UW-Eau Claire Risk Management for higher risk events)
- Alcohol use at an event must be granted in writing by UW-Eau Claire
- A quote will be provided for review
- If acceptable, complete the Purchase Coverage information, ensuring the full legal name of your organization is included in the Event Title field. For example, "UW-Eau Claire Recreation Shamrock Shuffle".
- To bind coverage, click Submit.
- Once finalized, a Certificate of Insurance will be sent to you and UW-Eau Claire Department of Risk Management
Additional requirements for non-university groups can be found under the Facility Use section of the Risk Management Resources page.
When a university department or unit desires to use a contract to help limit its liability when external parties are using university facilities or participating in university functions, they should contact the Department of Risk Management. The following template can be utilized to develop the agreements/contracts.
Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, Release, and Consent for Emergency Treatment
When non-university entities request use of university facilities that are not sponsored by the university, that entity must follow instructions found under the "Facility Use" section of the Risk Management Resources page.
When studying away from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 campus, there are many exciting and educational aspects of the experience. Unfortunately, there may also be some concerns about health, wellbeing, and safety. One way to help reduce some of those concerns is to enroll in an optional insurance plan, called Study Away Insurance Plan.
UW-System now encourages all participants studying away from their UW campus, but within the United States, to consider purchasing domestic travel insurance through Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). UW System Administrative Policy 145 The domestic travel insurance policy, which is secondary to your personal insurance, is very similar to the CISI coverage participants have when studying abroad.
This coverage is for travel within the United States and at least 100 miles away from campus. The current cost is $48.12/mo per enrollee (verify with CISI for rate changes). Click CISI - Study Away Plan for specific details and information on the Coverage Plan.
Study Away Insurance Plan includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Emergency Reunion
- Trip Cancellation / Trip Delay
- Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Natural Disaster Evacuation
The program's supervisor, faculty advisor, or event-owner is responsible for
- coordinating the registration process,
- completing this eForm Study Away Program Requirements - Auto Start Assessment and,
- completing and sending this Study AwaySpreadsheet to CISI (
For additional instructions, click Study Away eForm Instructions.
The University takes appropriate steps to protect the interests of the state as well as the interests of students who are acting in the capacity as agents of the University. Students are only covered by the state’s self-funded liability program under Wis. Stat. 895.46(1) if they are employees or agents of the University and only when they are acting within the scope of such employment or agency.
UW System Administrative Policy 616 details which students would qualify as "agents of the state" and the requirements to be covered under the State's Liability Protection.
For additional details, please review this informational video.